AUSTRALIAN WEATHER LINKS Australian Severe Weather - Storm News, Weather Photography , Tropical Cyclones and numerous other Australia Weather Pages. This is the best site for information on severe and general weather in Australia ! Australian Sky and Weather - long running website - mainly Victorian chasers and weather nuts in general Brisbane Storm Chasers - Great site featuring lots of photos from the Sunshine ( and storm ) state. Downunder Chasing - brilliant site with a wealth of Australian storm chase photos and logs - from Anthony Cornelius Geelong Weather Services - Weather and climate of the Geelong region; and monthly summaries. Hunter Valley Weather - Weather site from the Hunter region about 150 kms north of Sydney Lyndhurst-Hill Weather Station - just NW of Brisbane, - Forum and weather news from Australia's top endObserving the weather - An electronic textbook on just about everything you will ever need to know about weather. Excellent site with photo's to illustrate the subjects. Written by Jimmy Deguara, whom with Michael Bath produces the Australian Severe Weather page.
South East Queensland Storms - weather photos and storms , based near Mackay, QLD StormPlanet - some great photos from David Simpson. Stormy Girl - not just weather and storms, but brilliant photography as well Strike One -Lightning Photos - Michael Fewings excellent site, I wish I had these in my collection. Sydney Storm Chasers - Matt Smith, James Harris and Daniel Weatherhead's ( what a name ! ) great site. Sydney Weather Cam - pretty good views of Sydney from 3 cams - good for live weather Wild Weather World - Kevin Phyland has a collection of nice storm pics from one of the drier parts of Australia.