Illawarra Escarpment Plateau Wildflowers

The Illawarra region consists of a narrow coastal plain with the Illawarra escarpment to the west. The escarpment is for the most part a large sandstone range with a steep east face and a plateau cut by gorges on top. To the west and north west of Wollongong the esacrpment is 300-400 metres in altitude, not really high enough to markedly reduce daytime temperatures in winter. However further south it is 500-700m in altitude. Rainfall is quite high at 1200-1400mm, but poor sandy soil and frequent fires result in a low very open ecalyptus woodland and heath. This is the richest region for wildflowers, and the least affected by introduced plants.

Eriostemon australasius
Pink Wax flower
Helichrysum bracteatum
Everlasting or paper daisy

Grevillea sp
Probably one of 'spider' grevillea

Grevillea Buxifolia
Grevillea buxifolia
Grey spider flower
Grevillea sp
Grevillea sp
Isopogen anemonifolius

Hibbertia sp.

Hibbertia sp.

Bauera rubiodes

Boronia sp.

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Any questions, comments or hellos can be sent to Michael Thompson